Walls of Jericho

Name: Walls of Jericho

Link: Walls of Jericho

Open: Year round

Length: @13 miles

Difficulty: 8

Facilities: None at TN parking lot. Portable toilets at AL parking lot.

Water: None at parking lots. Plenty on the trail for horses

Shoes: Yes


Description: Wonderful ride in older, open forest. Most of the trail is wide and easily ridden side by side. There are two spots that are very rough and rocky. They are approximately 1/4 mile each and there is no way to go around. The rocks are solid and very slippery so horses with shoes will slide down, that is the reason for the difficulty rating. Other than those rocky spots, no shoes are really needed. Trail is marked with horse and rider signs part way and yellow paint the rest. We did loose the trail twice but we picked it right back up. Trails are not worn down so traffic is light. We rode this trail in November as the leaves were turning and it was amazing. Probably not the best place to ride in the heat of the summer for all the bugs/ticks. Spring is probably amazing with all the wildflowers. Winter could be a bit chilly as a the river crossing is quite deep.



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