We have 12 kennels (5’x10′). Each kennel has a dog house, self feeder, and stainless steel water bucket. And TOYS of course!! We have installed a septic tank for the waste in order keep things clean. There is a fly system installed above the kennels. Fans to help keep air moving in the summer. We keep heat pads on hand for the cold time. We have a “dogroom” that is climate controlled. This where the girls whelp (give birth) and they stay in there for at least 2 weeks. We have a 1/2 acre fenced with chain-link as a running lot for the dogs when they aren’t going with us. It includes shade and a water tub they can get in to cool off and of course more toys! Most of their time is spent with us, outside doing whatever we are doing for the day 🙂
Video of turnout 🙂>>Dog Days of Summer