Our puppies come with age appropriate vaccines/dewormer, limited AKC registration and the life long support of a dedicated breeder. Please signup for email notification below and we will let you know when puppies arrive!
** A note on colors – Mother Nature is the only one who knows what colors will be present in each litter. Just because a cross has the potential to produce certain colors does NOT mean those colors will be there every time. We are blessed with whatever we receive!**
Want help preparing for your puppy? Need guidance with training?
DALLAS X CHUBBS – Due @ March 20 – This will be Dallas’ first litter. I will post when her pregnancy is confirmed. Dallas is an independent, free thinker. She loves attention of any kind and will “hug” me with her paw to get my attention. Dallas has a good toy drive but really lives for herding. She has beautiful, low headed style and will make a nice addition to the working group. Dallas loves to go for rides and explore new places. She is a water hound and loves to dig. She is medium drive dog and weighs 37 pounds. Colors in this litter: reds, red merle, lilac, lilac merle. With or without tri markings.
KC X T-DOG – Due @ April 17, 2025 – KC has outgoing, active puppies. They are excellent performance prospects for all sporting events. Medium drive. KC herself is a lover and wants to cuddle all the time. She loves her toys and is lightly started on stock. KC tries hard to please. Her puppies have excelled at everything asked of them including herding, agility, dock diving, fastcat, barn hunt and the list goes on. These puppies should mature at 40 pounds. Colors will include: red/white, black/white, red merle and blue merle, slate, lilac, slate merle, and lilac merle.
KASSIE X TURBO – Due @ Early May – Who wants a snuggle buddy with ample energy to play but not over the top?? This litter is for you. Kassie is super laid back (if ever there was a low drive BC, she is it…at least out of my group, lol). Turbo is medium drive and easily lays down to chill. Pups will be people pleasers, intelligent and thoughtful. Easy to train and looking for adventure. They should mature around 35-40 pounds. Kassie is a long leaner built girl and Turbo is the shorter, thicker male build. Colors will be reds, red tris, red merles and red tri merles.
**More Updates to Come As Breeding Decisions Are Made :)**
Puppy Contract/Health Warranty
Due dates will be determined by when the girls cycle. As soon as I know more, I will post it here:) The previous is a list of intended breeding’s. This is not a guarantee of crosses or due dates. I reserve first pick of every litter for myself.